Explanation of the command is on the right. The | symbol means or. Commands with the [] symbols means what's inside those brackets are replaced. Don't keep the [] symbols there when using the command. There are other commands, but most of them do not work with the GOAA servers. I felt these were the most critical to know. playerlist - number on the left is the players id number admin kick playername|playerid - kicks player from server/player can return admin kickban playername|playerid - bans player from server until server reset admin message - displays a message in a box in the middle of the screen admin mute playername|player id | all - can mute the text of one player or all the players on the server. Type it in again to unmute. admin a_switchteam playername|player id - handy to get clan members all on the same team admin PB_SV_BadName [grace_seconds] [text_filter] - Adds a bad name to the list of bad names for the server to disallow in player names admin PB_SV_BanGuid [guid] [player_name] [IP_Address] [reason] - Adds a guid directly to PB's permanent ban list admin PB_SV_BanMask [IP Address / Subnet Mask] - Permanently bans players from joining the server from the specified IP Address / Subnet Mask; for example: issuing PB_SV_BanMask "12.34." will cause PB to deny access to all players trying to join from an IP Address that begins with "12.34."; These bans are written to the pbbans.dat file just like bans issued with the PB_SV_Ban command admin PB_SV_Cvar "[section] [Cvar_name]" [IN/OUT/INCLUDE/EXCLUDE] [Param1] [optional_Param2] - Adds an automatic cvar check to the list of cvars for the server to check for during gameplay admin PB_SV_CvarEmpty - Empties the list of Cvar range checks in memory (sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't) PB_SV_CvarList - Displays the allowed cvar ranges for all cvars that the Game Server is monitoring (can be done as a player too) admin PB_SV_File [filename] [o/s] [game_version] [filesize] [md5] ... [md5] - This command is used to add checks for other *.u / *.dll files,. The [o/s] parameter can be w (for win32), l (for linux), m (for mac), or a (for all). Multiple md5 hashes can be specified separated by spaces to signify multiple "official" releases for a given file / game version combination. Example: pb_sv_file agp.u a 1.9.0 900422 e1e6ac94a9c953098bd56a1ad7cfd8f0 admin PB_SV_Power [slot #] [power rating] - Adds player in specified slot # to the locally stored PB Player Power database with the specified power rating (this is your deputy admin command) admin PB_SV_ProtectTag [Unique ID] [Registered Tag] - Protects the specified PunkBuster Registered Tag on the local server so that players who wear the protected tag without having the correct Registration Credentials will be removed from the server (costs $24 a year for a tag) admin PB_SV_Task [X] [Y] [command] - Adds a task to PB's Task List; The Task will be executed X seconds after entry and every Y seconds thereafter; use -1 for Y if a one-time task is desired; this can be used to execute game server commands as well as PB commands (this is your message spam command) admin PB_SV_TaskEmpty - Empties the list of Tasks in memory (sometimes it works, sometimes not) admin PB_SV_Update - Forces the PB Server to attempt a PB software update even if no players are currently connected admin PB_SV_KickLen [Minutes] - The number of minutes (default is 2) a player will be kept from being able to rejoin after getting kicked by PunkBuster (You can add this in your txt file so it's already set) admin pb_sv_md5toolempty - empties the list of md5 checks running on the server admin pb_sv_md5toolfreq - sets how often each md5 check is ran. admin pb_sv_md5tool w "" v system/[file to check for] NOT_FOUND - checks for unauthorized folders in the game.